RP Hooks

I have a couple small ideas, but feel free to use something else!

• (If your character is a mercenary of some type) Aelina's father might have hired you to find her! The relationship could begin rocky as you try to coax Aelina home. This could go darker as well. Instead of just coaxing, she could even be kidnapped. However, I'd like if something were to happen that made it so she doesn't reach Ul'dah.

• Your character could be one Aelina heals or helps in some way.

• (If your character likes fishing) Aelina can often be found fishing. Perhaps our character cross paths while angling?

• (If your character is from Ul'dah) Perhaps they have heard of the Vandervelde family's missing daughter that bears a striking resemblance to Aelina. Your character could be eager to collect the reward for her retrieval or maybe just interested to hear her story. Aelina will vehemently deny that she is the missing daughter until you become close to her.

( Made with Carrd )